Occupancy/Warranty Phase Work
We understand your building needs to work. This is how we will ensure that happens during the Occupancy/Warranty Phase.
During this phase, we will finish up any deferred testing, perform follow-up verifications, monitor system interactions and performance, assist with support as needed, and then write and finalize the commissioning report. We can also provide technical on-going commissioning services through the first year of occupancy and beyond.
Note about facilities staff: During this phase, we will work closely with facilities staff to monitor all systems in our scope. It is critical that facilities personnel understand and are trained in the operation and maintenance of the systems that they will be responsible for maintaining.
Items that we work on in the warranty phase can include:
1. O&M Manual Review. Preferably, this will have been done earlier in construction.
2. As-built drawing Review. This review will have been started during functional performance testing, noting any discrepancies between what is seen onsite and construction documents.
3. Monthly on-going Cx services in the first year of operation after substantial completion to include issue documentation and tracking through resolution, testing and troubleshooting as needed, and continued communication facilitation among all parties. These system operations checks will be done by our most experienced personnel and will be done on-site. We strongly advise Owners to opt for on-site system operational checks whenever possible. Remote Cx work cannot pick up physical problems such as equipment damage, excessive noise or vibration, a broken belt, pressure relationships related to sensor accuracy, etc. In addition, occupant interviews (whether formal or informal) are incredibly valuable observations for issue identification and troubleshooting.Those serendipitous events cannot be duplicated remotely.
4. Coordinating with the Owner and contractors to complete 10-month building operation review with staff.
10-month building operation review will include interviews with key staff.
All issues here will be documented (as throughout the project) to ensure the information is captured and communicated within the warranty period.
5. Owner’s Training Verification and Recording. This helps to ensure the Owner receives adequate training for the operation of their facility. We develop a training plan that includes the required materials and duration of training that the division contractors supply. We can witness select training of major equipment and temperature controls to help facilitate questions and clarity. For example, Andy (lead Cx Agent) recently attended a training where the contractors were explaining to facilities staff that the rooftop equipment was supposed to run a certain way. This contradicted the sequence of operations and design intent, so Andy had to intervene and clarify.
6. Systems Manual creation. Your facilities team will need a systems manual to guide them through the interactions among all of the interacting components of the system. A document for all of the operational aspects of the commissioned systems serving this facility is critical for your facilities team to perform integrated preventative maintenance. The systems manual is the all-inclusive document for the mechanical systems in the building.
7. Final Cx Report with an Executive Summary highlighting key items to be aware of, including recommendations for preventative maintenance and efficiency. The complete report will include all checklists and tests and a copy of the master issues log.